Today we celebrate the last of the 4 Advents, which are....
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love
We are told, in Acts 2:25-28, that King David, by the Spirit,
looking down the long coridors of time,
saw that the Messiah was coming and he
celebrated his Advent.
David had HOPE,
He said,
"My flesh will rest in HOPE"
HOPE, the expression of expectant faith for what is to come.
David had PEACE,
He said,
"He is always before my face, my right hand that I may not be shaken"
PEACE, knowing in whom we have believed!
David had JOY.
He said,
"Therefore my heart rejoiced ..... you will make me full of JOY in your Presence."
JOY, the expression of knowing we belong to God.
and David had LOVE.
He said ...
" I will love You, O LORD, my strength." (Ps.18:1)
For thousands of years, people waited in HOPE
anticipating with JOY
the One who would bring PEACE on Earth, goodwill toward men.
Today we celebrate the Advent of Christ looking backwards,
Joy fills our hearts as we experience the LOVE of God.
God IS Love....
and we celebrate this season because His love came down to live among us.
His love extends to every human being,
His love is enough to save every sinner,
that will , in faith, receive Him.
Christmas is a season of LOVE,
no one is so rich,
and no one is so poor
that the best gift to give or to receive is not the gift of Love.
"Lord, I thank you this Advent Sunday that you love us,
thank you for sending your Son as the ultimate Love Gift,
so that we may become Your Children.
Even as we love you , Father, may we love one another.
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