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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Herb Vinegars

As I was just telling Betty, I have always made herbal vinegars for my own use as I love to use them in marinades for meats and vegetables as well as an additive to a good oil for salads. They are simple and easy to make and make good gifts as well....Christmas is just around the corner...dare I say that?!
There are many recipes to make herbal vinegars but I use a basic and simple one I copied down from the Moosewood Cookbook in the library as a student (brings back such memories!). Here tis... feel free to make changes, add and mix herbs to your heart's content.
Use only fresh dry herbs stripped of their heavy stems. Some examples are basil, chervil, chives, cilantro, dill, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, tarragon and thyme. Use Cider vinegar and white wine vinegar for more potent herbal vinegars. Regular white vinegar also produces a fine does rice vinegar.
Fill a clean glass jar with the herbs. Pour in vinegar to cover and cap the jar. Place the jar in a sunny spot outdoors (ha...tis nearly winter) or on your brightest windowsill for about four to six weeks.
Pour the steeped vinegar through a paper coffee filter into a nonreactive pot. and discard the herbs. Gently heat the vinegar until it just begins to simmer. Don't boil it. Pour the hot vinegar into sterilized jars and cap to seal. Store in a cool dark place for up to a year....and Betty, it is good to go after the second sealing. I would just give it one or two weeks.

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