On Friday my daily devotional made me stop and think . . ."what kind of friend am I . . really?"
The verse for the day was
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born in adversity.

The title of the devotional was BE A STANDER.
Bill Crowder. . the author said that a friend who is a stander will stay close in times of trouble.
A friend who bolts at the first sign of trouble isn't really much of a friend.
I thought then of how blessed I am for there have been many friends who have stood beside me when trouble has come.

People have been good friends to us. I often think of the ones who stood by us when my husband faced cancer over 25 years ago. I also think of friends who came and showed us how to farm 15 years ago when we had no clue. The friends who stood shoulder to shoulder with us when we put our parents to rest will be forever remembered.
My dear friend Kathy once said. . .that her parents taught her by example.
She told me that when they knew someone was in trouble. . .her parents would always say. . .
"we'll be right there".
I saw her example in my own life . ..and I see her example in others lives as well.
When I see her live her friendship out like that. . .
I want to be that kind of a friend.
When my friends face difficult times.
Will I be a STANDER beside them. . .
or will I bolt?
the reality is that I am human and fail my friends more often than I should.
There is no friend like Jesus. .
He bears all our griefs . ..He never leaves us ...
and like the hymn says. .
we can carry everything to Him in prayer.
Dear Lord, help me to be the kind of friend who doesn't run when my friends are in need. Give me the courage to stand by them, the wisdom to know what to say. Give me a tender heart to forgive when necessary and the sensitivity to ask for forgiveness when I hurt my friend.
All for now . . with love. . .
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