Jesus is the reason for the season.
All the preparations. . .
all the goodies in the freezer . .
all the gifts under trees around the world. . .
all are because of Jesus.

A few days ago I was listening to my favorite female Vocalist singing like an angel.
I had goosebumps as she sang O Holy Night.
Her eyes were closed as she sang to her Saviour . .
and I wondered then what heaven must have been like when the Christ Child was born.
What must that choir of angels been like .. .
singing Glory to God?
Again this Christmas I stand amazed at the gift of Jesus.

The Bible says . .
"For God so Loved the World that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life"
John 3 :16
Have you accepted the gift of Jesus?
You might think that you have done far to many bad things for God to forgive you.
God already knew before he created you .. what you would do in your life.
You might think that you will try harder to be good. . .
but there is nothing you can do to earn this gift . .
it is free to all who believe!
Before God created man he knew we would ALL be sinful.
Even knowing that he still created us ..
and loved us. .
and sent Jesus as a wee baby so that he would grow to be a man without sin that could pay the price of our sin.

I don't know very much of what heaven will be like ..
but when I get there. .
I want to sing like an angel.
I'll be joined with loved ones that have gone before me. . .
and together we will sing praises to Jesus Christ . .
who loves every person ever born on this earth.
My heart longs to say something that will help you to understand how important it is not to delay accepting the most important gift you will ever be offered.
God created man to worship him.
If we don't worship God we will worship other things and then we'll feel an ache and a void that nothing seems to satisfy.
Each of us will feel a personal ache and longing in our heart . ..
a void that only Jesus can fill.
I pray that no one that reads this blog goes away feeling unloved.
We long to reach out to those that feel unlovely . . .
and unloved in this hurting world.
(left to right . ..Anneliese, Bev, Julie, Lovella, Marg, Judy, Kathy .. missing from the picture are Betty, Charlotte and Ellen)
On behalf of all of us at Mennonite Girls Can Cook . .
We wish you a day filled with the joy and peace of Christmas.
All for now . . .with love,