I finally have a recipe that is good enough to serve to guests -- Regular guests..not just Celiac ones ! It has a crisp outer crust and soft inside.
This dough smells soooo good baking !!!
I found the original recipe on line but didn't have the flours called for so I substituted and tweeked until I ended up with the following .....
Pizza Dough Ingredients
- 2 cups brown rice flour
- 1 cup tapioca starch
- 3/4 cup white bean flour
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/3 tsp. Oregano
- 1 1/2 tbsp. xanthan gum
- 1 tsp. vinegar
- 1/3 cup Olive oil
- 2 eggs plus one egg white
- 1 3/4 cup warm water
- 2 tbsp. sugar
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 1 tbsp active dry yeast
- add sugar and honey to warm water... sprinkle yeast over top and let sit until foamy
- beat eggs, oil, vinegar in heavy duty mixing bowl
- add proofed yeast
- mix all dry ingredients together well -- then add to liquid in mixing bowl.
- mix until blended , then turn mixer on high and beat for 4 minutes - you will see the Constancy of the dough change.
- The dough will be sticky, but using a spatula turn it out onto a clean surface sprinkled with sweet rice flour (or tapioca starch) Using as little flour as possible knead the dough gently until you can handle it . It will be a very soft dough.
- Using your hands form it into a pizza shape, making the edges higher and thicker. I find it easier to make individual pizzas rather then one big one -- but there is no reason why you can't make your pizza any size you like.
- place pizza crusts on pans and let rise in warm place for about 45 minutes.

When pizzas have risen, bake at 350' for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven... spread with pizza sauce and desired toppings and bake at 400' for another 20 minutes.
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