The method I use is slightly different. .and simpler than the classic creaming of the butter and sugar. The pound cake itself can be used for a variety of uses. .and it works well with berry season. The Strawberries from California are plenty in the stores now. . and you don't have to make a slice cake like I have shown. . you can simply serve a slice of pound cake with sliced strawberries and whipped cream.
Cold Oven Pound Cake
- 1 cup hot melted butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 large room temperature farm fresh eggs
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 1 1/2 cups cake and pastry flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- Sift the flour, salt and baking powder onto a piece of waxed paper or a large bowl.
- In a blender or preferably food processor. . combine the sugar and the eggs and vanilla. .process one minute.
- Slowly in a steady stream. .pour the melted cooled butter through the tube. Process until combined.
- Put the wet ingredients into a larger bowl. .and add the flour .. a third at a time. .blending t with a whisk. .. . until all the flour is combined.
- Prepare one 9 X 5 loaf pans or 3 small loaf pans.
- Spread the batter evenly in the pans.
- Place in COLD oven.
- Turn oven to 325 F.
- Bake the the larger pan for 45 minutes . . then check with a toothpick ..the toothpick should have a lingering crumb or two. If it isn't quite there. . check it again after five minutes. . The smaller loaf pans. . check after 30 minutes and then every five minutes after. If you bake them too long. .they will be dry. .
- Remove from pans to cooling rack while still warm.
Strawberry Filling
- 1 pound . . 2 1/2 cups sliced or diced washed strawberries. .California strawberries won't really break down. . so consider how large you want them in the filling.
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- Combine the cornstarch and sugar.
- Put the prepared strawberries in a medium saucepan.
- Add the cornstarch and sugar.
- Turn to medium high heat and stir constantly until hot and bubbly and thickened. . .about 3 - 4 minutes.
- Remove from heat. . pour into a large shallow bowl to cool completely before constructing your strawberry slice cake.
Making the Strawberry Slice Cake (serves 8)
- Slice your cooled Loaf pan baked Pound cake into 4 layers. . .the top rounded edge is reserved for snacking or another use. You will use 3 flat layers for this cake.
- Whip 1 cups whipping cream combined with one package whipping cream stabilizer (the stabilizer is important since the cake will be refrigerated overnight) and 2 tablespoons sugar. Set aside.
- Line the loaf pan with plastic wrap with sides hanging over to remove the cake later.
- Divide the strawberry filling over each pound cake layer.
- Put the first layer in the loaf pan and put 1/3 of the whipped cream on top.
- Repeat. . but on the last layer. .put the remainder of the whipping cream in a decorator bag and use a star tip to decorate the top as you wish.
- Freeze until just firm. . .and then slice and refrigerate. Cutting while slightly frozen gives nice neat slices. If you try to slice it without freezing. . you will get the classic. . .mess.
This cake is a perfect make ahead cake. .just freeze until the day you want to serve it. .take it out in the morning. . slice it. . and keep refrigerated until a half hour before serving.
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