Patience..one of the meanings from the dictionary says it is "bearing pains or trials calmly and without complaining". We strive for this patience and so very often run short of it, I like what the Psalms says.."do not fret".
When God allows trials to come our way we need to ask Him for His purpose and the patience to help us endure and grow through them. These trials teach us to be a witness for Him and allows our character to grow.
A friend and I remind ourselves to beware when we pray for patience, to be ready for what might come our way to teach us that patience.
There are examples in the Bible of those who showed patience. Job and Abraham come to mind, they waited on the Lord and were rewarded with their patience.
How can we do any less? Let's encourage one another to be patient. Even though the journey may have many trials we know that in His time God works to perfect His plan for us.
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