Time sure does fly when you are busy. . .and having fun!
It is hard to believe that the MGCC blog first began pumping out family recipe favorites one year ago.
With a simple idea and a few willing friends, I pressed the "create a blog" button and . . .
you began to show up. . .
looking in our kitchen windows. . . .
often remembering what your mom used to make in her kitchen.
We've learned so much ourselves. . .
testing recipes and reworking some that have nearly been forgotten.
We've had great fun learning to photograph food. . .
and learning how to best post a recipe.
Behind the scenes of our kitchens. . .
we have become friends.
Over the years, my circle of friends has had one constant. . .
it has reflected the stage of life that I am in.
Many friendships will remain forever. . .and nothing will sever those ties . .
but God continues to bless me with new friends. . .
today some of my dearest friends are those that share my passions.
This year blogging has taken a new turn for me . . .I have learned to entertain guests in a whole new way.
It is a little like playing make believe .. .
and in a sense. .
we don't really know who is sitting at the table of Mennonite Girls Can Cook.
Making this journey incredibly meaningful and special. ..
has been a group of ladies who like me. .
love to open up our homes to . . .
people like you.
Without you. . . it would be no fun to cook. . .
You have made this blog complete by encouraging us. . .
and tapping us on the shoulder when you think you might recognize us in the community.
The "girls" that write this blog have our own email address so that we can easily communicate ideas and questions and joys and concerns. . . and several times a week. . .
we chat back and forth.
God has blessed us tremendously with the gift of friendship. . .
and that has been perhaps the biggest surprise.
For the past while. .
we have sensed that God has a bigger purpose for our blog.
In the next while we will be "entertaining" ideas of of how this blog can have a greater purpose of giving back to God.
We feel burdened for children around the world that have not any food to eat.
Whatever we decide to do. . .we are committed to give 100% of the proceeds to a charity that we have yet to determine.
All of the contributors to this blog share another common bond.
We all believe that Jesus Christ came to save the world.
In Him we have a peace that only he can give. . .
and in Him we know that though we live in various different places in North America. . .
after this life on earth is done . .
we will be sharing the greatest feast of all together in Heaven.
What joy . ..
What a hope. .
None of us know what the next year will hold . ..
nor do we expect it will be free from struggles and challenges ..
but as friends . . .
we will stand together . .
working in our kitchens . . .
being an encouragement to each other. . .
and it is our prayer that this blog will also be an encouragement to you.
It has been my profound pleasure to create and administrate this blog.
I know that the contributors join me in humbly saying thank you for sitting at our table with us. .
All for now. . .
with love,