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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bread for the Journey

This Year is Yours!
God built and launched this year for you;
Upon the bridge you stand;
It's your ship, aye, your own ship,
And you are in command.
Just what the twelve months' trip will do
Rests wholly, solely, friend, with you.
Your logbook kept from day to day
My friend, what will it show?
Have you on your appointed way
Made progress, yes or no?
The log will tell, like guiding star,
The sort of captain that you are.
For weal or woe this year is yours;
Your ship is on life's sea
Your acts, as captain, must decide
Whichever it shall be;
So now in starting on your trip,
Ask God to help you sail your ship.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
How many of you are coasting out there alone on the rough waters? A dear friend who is going through a difficult time shared this poem with me this week which reminded me that January is over and we still have 11 more months to choose how we want to sail our ship. It was interesting that we both wished we had our mother's here by our sides to share their stories about how they set their sails, and how they maneuvered their ships over those tormenting waves and storms.
I'm not sure who is directing your sail, or what kind of captain you are...but I know that you are not alone out there with your difficulties. I'm sure there are some days you wonder why you even got up. I, along with others have felt heartache and pain, unsolved problems and yet, like the captain of the boat...we are encouraged to look ahead and steer the way. Sometimes it's easier to look back.
So as you move forward in your day, weeks, or months, I encourage you to rest in the knowledge that tomorrow is still in God's hand. Our joy is not in the day, but in the Lord, who made the day. It is our day to use or lose. Let's set our sails and keep looking to the face of God as we waken each day.
"Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever." Ps. 145:2

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