Did God fail......Here is the rest of the story. If you missed Part 1 just scroll down a bit.
A continuation from the book "Diapers, Pacifiers and other Holy things, written by Lorraine Pintus. lorrainepintus.com
We have an advantage over Mary. We know the end of her story. We understand how, even though it seemed impossible, God would fulfill His promises to her.
Knowing this, wouldn't you love to step back in time and comfort Mary at the foot of the cross? Wouldn't you love to put your arm around her and whisper, "Don't cry, Mary! It's going to be okay. No grave can hold your son. He will be king. God hasn't let you down. Be patient; you will see. God is about to surpass all you've ever dared to hope or dream!"
God has an advantage over you, too. He knows the end of your story. He already knows how you will get through the thing in front of you.
Can I put my arm around you and whisper something in your ear? "Don't despair! God will not fail you. He has a plan. Be patient; you will see. God intends to do something in you and through you that will surpass all you've ever dared to hope or dream."
Our God is mighty. Bigger than anything facing you. Trust Him. Trust in His high hopes for you. He says, "For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" (Hab. 1:5).
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