- 1/2 cup sherry (cooking sherry is fine)
- 1/2 cup soy sauce
- 2-3 cloves crushed garlic
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp Montreal steak spice
- 1/2 tsp pepper
Beat the eggs and sugar together really well in a large bowl .. .Beat them until they are thick. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Stir this into the beaten eggs and sugar. Heat the milk and butter till very hot .. not quite boiling. Add the hot milk/butter to the batter. Pour into a large shallow greased and parchment papered pan. Bake at 350 F for 15 - 20 min
In a medium saucepan, heat together the butter and brown sugar and the whipping cream until it just comes to a boil. Add the coconut and the almonds. Spread onto the baked cake as even as you can. Broil carefully for a few minutes until it is nicely browned. .. Do not walk away from your kitchen.
Whip the filling together.
Now comes the tricky part. Take the cake out of the pan. . with the paper on. Set it on the counter and with a long serrated knife slice it in half. Very carefully slide your hand under the top layer and slide it off .. as best you can. Put the whipped cream on the bottom layer and then slide the top layer back on top.
Voila. . .well done. Now, just set it in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve. This actually freezes really well and cuts very easy when partially frozen. I did this to take the picture. Thank you Anneliese for this wonderful recipe. . I've been making it for nearly 30 years I'm sure.
Mix ingredients in given order. . .you know .. cream the butter, add the sugars and then the egg, vanilla and then the dry ingredients.
Use an ice cream scoop that has a scraper in it. . to make balls of dough. No need to flatten, the butter helps with that.
Bake about 9 minutes. . .the recipe says 7 but I make my cookies bigger. .
Bake at 375 F. Make sure you oven is preheated really well, it will bake the cookies more even.
I often bake mine at 350 convection.
Enjoy. . no kidding. . my beloved just called from the barn and he's on his way in for coffee. . .
Summertime means nice crisp greens drizzled with only the best dressings. Here are just a few recipes that I like to make. Sorry, no time for full photo montage today but maybe I'll update this in the future.
Put all of the ingredients in a blender and whirl them until smooth. Stored chilled in a covered jar for up to a week.
Put all of the ingredients in a blender and whirl them until smooth. Store in a covered jar up to 2 weeks.
Put all of the ingredients in a blender and whirl them until smooth. Store chilled in a covered jar up to a week (less if using the tofu).
Let cool. Serve with Chai and enjoy.
These sweetmeats are very rich and the flavour is unfamiliar for some with the strong taste of the condensed milk. Remember that in the hot and dry middle eastern countries many 'fudge' like desserts are made from canned milk in order to keep longer.
5. Roll out on floured surface (sprinkling four on top as well) to about ¼ inch (or slightly less) thickness.
6. Cut shapes with cookie cutters such as hearts, dinosaurs, Christmas trees, turkeys or whatever the occasion.
7. For easy decorating, sprinkle unbaked cookies with colored sugar.
8. Bake at 375F for about 8 min. or until edges just begin to look done. Do not over-bake.
Mix 2-3 cups icing sugar with 2 Tbsp. soft margarine and enough milk to make a medium thick
icing. Color with food color drops. Use icing tube with plain tip, pressing gently to “outline” cookies.